What separates the two parts of denmark ?
2006-03-04 12:05:29 UTC
What separates the two parts of denmark ?
Two answers:
2006-03-06 17:15:27 UTC
Denmark borders the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, and consists of a peninsula named Jutland (Jylland) attached to Northern Germany, the islands Funen (Fyn), Zealand (Sjælland), Bornholm (Bornholm) and many smaller islands, the waters of which are often referred to as the Danish Archipelago.

The Jutland peninsula and the islands are separated by three "belts". From North to South, they are Samso Belt, Store Belt and Langelands Belt.

"Belt" is the German expression for the part of the Baltic Sea between Germany and Sweden.
2006-03-07 16:09:53 UTC
you mean the 3 parts? sealand(where copenhagen is), fune and jutland...

well no ferries go over those seas anymore, so there are bridges...

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