I need to converse with a Dane... any Danes, pls feel free to contact me...?
The Dane
2006-06-03 09:14:23 UTC
I've had this unusual attraction to Denmark since I was a toddler... I love everything about Denmark!!! It's my dream to settle down there & get citizenship & marry a Dane... Denmark intrigues me in every aspect & I just get this warm feeling when I hear its name & I feel proud whenever I hear it doing well in the world stage... Denmark Rox!!!
Four answers:
2006-06-11 17:23:46 UTC
Well, go there!
queen of mess
2006-06-12 11:58:18 UTC
my name is dane, but i don't live in denmark.
2006-06-12 11:38:57 UTC
2006-06-15 19:59:34 UTC
im danish, hehe

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